

Coral-Mine est fabriqué au Japon à partir de coraux d'eau profonde scléractiniaires (Synonyme de corail dur (par opposition aux octocoralliaires)) qui poussent dans la mer du Japon au large des îles d'Okinawa et Tokunosima.

Coral est une substance unique qui a su créer une harmonie parfaite de ses origines animales, végétales et minérales après plus de 500 millions d'années d'évolution. Le corail est un animal marin qui se nourrit de sel de mer et microbodies marins.

Le squelette d'un corail est constitué de sels minéraux qui sont au cœur de l'effet du corail sur le corps humain. Ces sels sont principalement le calcium et le magnésium, mais en plus de ces deux, il y a également du potassium, sodium, fer, phosphore, silicium, soufre, le chrome, le manganèse, le zinc, et bien d'autres. Cette multitude richesse en minéraux régule les fonctions corporelles et rend tous les systèmes fonctionnels.

Le calcium et le phosphore sont les blocs de construction pour le tissu osseux et tous les autres tissus conjonctifs. Ils soutiennent le cœur et améliore la conductivité nerveuse, assurant une flexion adéquate des muscles et augmentant la perméabilité des membranes cellulaires, ce qui normalise le processus de coagulation sanguine.

Le magnésium aide le calcium en libérant des ATF (Carbonate de calcium naturel, non couché) et en augmentant le potentiel énergétique du corps. Il fait battre le cœur en un rythme régulier, et tonifie les muscles lisses dans les vaisseaux, les intestins, la vésicule biliaire, et la vessie urinaire. Un bon équilibre du calcium et du magnésium dans l'organisme maintient le calcium dans le tissu osseux, ce qui empêche les os de se ramollir.

Le sodium régule la pression osmotique, le métabolisme des fluides et des protéines, et est nécessaire pour maintenir l'excitabilité des muscles et des cellules neurales. Il est également nécessaire pour la pompe sodium-potassium qui régule le métabolisme cellulaire.

Le potassium est l’action principal inter-cellulaire qui maintient l'équilibre du pH, assure les muscles et la conductivité nerveuse, maintient la pression artérielle en échec et les purges du corps en l'excès de liquide.

Quand ils viennent en contact avec de l'eau les minéraux Coral-mines aident à:
• Atteindre un niveau de pH optimal;
• Régler la pression artérielle et le rythme cardiaque;
• Prévenir l'ostéoporose et diverses formes d'arthrite;
• Augmenter l'élasticité des muscles et de restaurer la structure des os et des cartilages;
• Réglementer le fonctionnement des reins et du système digestif;
• Améliorer l'état de la peau.


"H-500", ajoute une ligne de produits ayant des propriétés antioxydantes. Il fournit une protection contre les radicaux libres, le produit contribue à rétablir le fonctionnement normal du corps. Pour plus d'efficacité, il est recommandé de pré-dissoudre le contenu de la capsule dans un verre d'eau potable gazéifiée. En utilisant ce procédé, le problème du vieillissement prématuré et la mauvaise santé cessera simplement d'exister pour vous.

"H-500" est une source de vitalité, d’endurance, de récupération physique et des performances mentales.

"H-500" augmente l’endurance au cours d'une activité physique, les sports ou les gros travaux. Réduit le niveau d'acide lactique et sa reprise rapide du muscle, ce qui accélère sa récupération après l'effort. L’effet bénéfique de ce produit peut être recommander à des personnes ayant un travail intellectuel, engagées dans l'industrie lourde, les athlètes et amateurs de plein air, car il permet de facilement transférer les surcharges, soulage et augmente la flexibilité et le tonus musculaire.

Ce produit augmente le potentiel de l'énergie du corps en stimulant la production d'énergie cellulaire, qui est formé par le clivage des aliments protéiques et glucidiques qui sont très importants pour la santé globale ainsi que d'un approvisionnement adéquat en énergie fournit à l'aptitude physique et mentale, améliore le métabolisme et peut résister à de nombreux facteurs défavorables .

"H-500" empêche l'oxydation des cellules saines dans le corps et restaure un environnement favorable alcalin, ce qui contribue à améliorer la nutrition et la régulation du métabolisme cellulaire.

 Coenzyme Q-10

La coenzyme Q-10, l'ubiquinone est un substrat énergétique nécessaire pour toutes sortes de cellules. Quand il y a assez de Q-10 dans les tissus, les réactions immunitaires suivent un bon déroulement. Dans le corps humain la coenzyme est fabriqué à partir de l'acide mévalonique, un acide organique clé trouvé dans tous les corps vivants.
- Avec l'âge ce processus ralentit, et c'est alors que la coenzyme Q-10 en supplément bioactif vient à la rescousse.
La coenzyme Q-10 est un produit naturel à base d'ubiquinone (Classe de transporteur non protéiques d'une chaîne de transport des électrons, aussi appelée coenzyme Q) qui augmente le potentiel énergétique de l'organisme, renforce les fonctions de sa protection anti-oxydant, prévient le vieillissement prématuré, et de nombreuses autres conditions désagréables.

Les organes qui dépensent le plus d'énergie en Q-10 : Il s'agit notamment du coeur, du foie, des reins et du pancréas. Q-10 est une partie de la mitochondrie qui génèrent environ 95% de toute l'énergie consommée par le corps humain. L'utilisation de Q-10 est inclus dans de nombreux programmes de réduction de poids, car il stimule la production d'énergie et normalise le métabolisme. Dans le même temps, l'excès de graisse se décompose et est utilisé comme une source de nutriments par l'organisme.

Avec l'âge, le corps perd sa capacité à absorber les quantités suffisantes de Q-10 qui viennent de l’alimentation quotidienne. Dans le même temps les quantités de Q-10 synthétisée dans le corps sont également diminuer, ce qui provoque de nombreuses maladies, généralement associés à la vieillesse.

La recherche a montré que Q-10 est nécessaire pour le système immunitaire, il augmente l'activité des macrophages (Un macrophage est une cellule d'origine sanguine, qui provient de la transformation du monocyte, il est localisé dans les tissus pouvant être soumis à des infections ou à une accumulation de débris à éliminer (foie, poumons, ganglions lymphatiques, rate...).et la quantité d'immunoglobuline.

Q-10 normalise la fonction du système cardio-vasculaire en améliorant la capacité de flexion du myocarde et l'écoulement sanguin à travers elle. Effets secondaires positifs comprenant les anti-sclérotique, anti-arythmiques et anti-hypertension. Q-10 améliore l'endurance physique et ralentit le vieillissement, la protection de la mitochondrie contre l'oxydation. Cela réduit considérablement l'effet toxique de médicaments et aide à la glande thymus d’y faire face.

Il convient de noter que Q-10 n'a pas un effet immédiat. Les premiers résultats deviennent visibles entre 2 à 4 semaines après le début de la prise, et lorsque la concentration suffisante a été atteinte.

Q-10 sera indispensable si vous rencontrez :
• Le syndrome de fatigue chronique;
• Physique et épuisement émotionnel;
• Arythmie, ou hypertension;
• Une accumulation de la plaque des troubles métaboliques;
• Ou si vous avez besoin d’une convalescence après une maladie.


Microhydrin est un antioxydant puissant qui supprime les radicaux libres qui protègent le corps même du plus agressif d'entre eux. Il augmente l'endurance, la vitalité, l'immunité, ralentit le vieillissement, et dynamise le corps.

Microhydrin augmente l'endurance au cours efforts physiques. Une semaine avec MICROHYDRIN permettra de réduire le niveau d'acide mil jusqu'à 24%, il purge les muscles en aidant la récupération plus rapidement. Il soulage la douleur et améliore l'élasticité et le tonus du muscle permettant ainsi aux athlètes de mieux supporter l’effort et en faisant de ce produit l’un des plus populaire d’entres eux. Fournie à l'organisme le plus puissant des antioxydants, MICROHYDRIN augmente la production d'énergie dans les mitochondries des cellules lorsque les protéines, les graisses et les glucides sont décomposés. Les électrons générés dans ce processus sont pris par toutes les cellules et participent à la respiration cellulaire, la restauration de la population active ATF-NADF et augmenter le potentiel énergétique du corps. Il est très important que l'énergie soit suffisante pour l'activité à la fois mentale et physique. Le produit permet également d'améliorer la régénération des tissus et des organes endommagés et il est extrêmement important dans la lutte contre les agents pathogènes.

Suppression active des radicaux libres, MICROHYDRIN empêche l'oxydation des cellules saines et restaure un pH favorable dans tout le corps, la saturation du sang en oxygène, ce qui améliore le métabolisme.

Le produit améliore également les propriétés biologiques du liquide inter-cellulaire, augmentant l'hydratation de cellules, ce qui leur permet de mieux absorber les nutriments.

Microhydrin apporte un soutien ciblé à l'énergie:
• Le système immunitaire;
• Le système cardio-vasculaire;
• Le système digestif;
• Les muscles.
24/7 Complex

"24/7 Complex" est un complément alimentaire essentiel et actif qui contient des vitamines, des micro-et macro-éléments et les composants végétaux: spiruline, aloe, herbes médicinales, fruits et baies. Il produit un effet calmant, tout en fournissant un appui aux systèmes cardio-vasculaires et nerveux.

"24/7 Complexe" est composé de:
- Un large éventail de vitamines et de minéraux
- Aloe Vera
- La spiruline (qui est riche en éléments nutritifs)
- Antioxydants puissants: le bêta-carotène, vitamine C, vitamine E, lycopène, lutéine, astaxanthine, flavonoïdes citrique, et le sélénium
- Composition naturelle, pleine de valeur nutritionnelle avec des aliments entiers, mélange de fruits et légumes, y compris le bleuet, le brocoli, canne-berges, raisins, choux, framboises, et  épinards.
- Un complexe à base de plantes équilibrée (ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, le poivre de Cayenne, Fo-Ti, l'ail, le gingembre, fruit d 'aubépine, la papaye, le fenouil, l'églantier, et autres)

Les vitamines B2, B6, B9, B12, et la bétaïne soutiennent les niveaux normaux d'homocystéine, qui est le facteur le plus important de la santé du système cardio-vasculaire; choline et inositol produisent un effet favorable sur l'activité cardiaque et le système nerveux central : augmentation intellectuelle des capacités du cerveau, aider à la concentration, une meilleure mémorielle; l’astaxanthine soutient les conditions normales des membranes cellulaires.

Calcium, vitamine D et le magnésium aident à la formation de l'os et du tissu conjonctif, le soutien de l'activité du système cardiaque, la conductivité nerveuse, et les contractions musculaires.

"24/7 complexes" enrichit l'apport alimentaire avec des composants nutritifs et utile, qui soutiennent la santé et aident à:
- Sortie ATP - la source principale d'énergie
- Le système immunitaire et la vitalité accrue
- Libre neutralisation radical et retard des processus de vieillissement
- L'amélioration du système cardio-vasculaire
- L'activité du cerveau et l'amélioration du système nerveux
- Le renforcement du système musculo-squelettique
- Amélioration de la vue. 



La tension superficielle de l'eau joue un rôle important dans les processus d'oxydation et de la restauration dans le corps. L'eau qui est plus liquide, peut participer plus activement à la décomposition des substances biologiques. L'eau intracellulaire et intercellulaire a une tension superficielle relativement faible. Ceci peut être amélioré avec HydraCel

HydraCel est un concentré minéral qui réduit la tension superficielle de l'eau et améliore les caractéristiques de tel liquide intercellulaire en pH et la conductivité spécifique, créant ainsi des conditions de participation plus active du liquide dans les procédés biochimiques.

La base colloïdale pour la construction de cristaux minéraux est une source d'ions chargés négativement. Ils agissent comme des aimants miniatures et attire les molécules d'eau à leur surface, formant des cristaux liquides. La charge électrique qui se forme sur ces cristaux modifie les propriétés de l'eau.

Le Dioxyde de silicium a la forme de micro-sphères ayant un diamètre d'environ 5 nm, qui groupés forment ensemble plus de structures. Ces particules ont un bon nombre de zones chargées qui se lient facilement avec de l'eau et la graisse des substances solubles et ont des propriétés physiques ne se trouvant pas dans d'autres formes de dioxyde de silicium. Avant les éléments nutritifs peuvent être utilisés par le corps, ils doivent être dissous. Des substances solubles dans l'eau ont une tension superficielle critique. Passé cette tension de surface critique, une substance ne peut pas être humidifiée.

L'eau peut mouiller grâce à une liaison hydrogène de surfaces. Les atomes d'hydrogène présents dans les molécules d'eau sont chargés positivement. Pour une surface à pouvoir être humidifié elle doit être chargée négativement.

Les charges électriques de particules colloïdales sont beaucoup plus élevées que la charge de liaisons d’hydrogène. Quand elles sont ajoutées à votre nourriture elles se lient à la surface des éléments nutritifs, l’élargisse crée un grand nombre de zones où la liaison est possible grâce à des liaisons d’hydrogène dans tout le volume du liquide. Un résultat de 100% de la substance devient humide.

Les substances solubles et les nutriments ne sont pas humidifiés avec de l'eau. Lorsque les particules d'huile sont encapsulées dans la structure colloïdale, une petite boule est formée, qui est lié avec de l'eau à l'extérieur et avec de l'huile à l'intérieur. elle a une charge négative sur sa surface. C'est cette charge négative qui assure que les particules soient absorbées par la muqueuse de l'intestin.

Prendre HydraCel vous permettra de:
• Améliorer les propriétés biologiques de l'eau;
• Assurer une hydratation à 100% des cellules;
• Améliorer la qualité des nutriments et leur transport dans les cellules.


Phycotene, est un produit naturel préparé à partir d'algues marines, la Spiruline et la Dunaliella, qui améliore la protection anti-oxydante, exerce une activité de désintoxication, améliore la vision, renforce le système immunitaire et ralentit le processus de vieillissement.

La spiruline est une micro-algue unique avec une teneur élevée en oligo-éléments: l’iode, le sélénium, le zinc, le chrome, le manganèse et le cuivre, sous une forme facilement assimilable pour le corps humain. La cellule de cette algue rare ressemble à la cellule animale dans sa composition biochimique, mais son métabolisme est basé sur la photosynthèse. elle a des concentrations énormes de protéines de haute qualité (jusqu'à 70%) contenant tous les acides aminés essentiels, et contient également un complexe de vitamines. Assimilation des protéines, la spiruline dans le corps humain atteint 85-90%. Cette valeur est supérieure à celle des protéines du lait.

La spiruline est riche en ressources naturelles β-carotène et autres caroténoïdes, qui en contiennent dix. Cinq d'entre eux (β-carotène, carotène, le lycopène, la lutéine et la zéaxanthine) sont des nutriments importants, nécessaires pour la régénération normale des cellules de l'œil.

Dunaliella est une micro-algue verte unique, la seule plante qui peut survivre dans des conditions extrêmes de concentrations très élevées de sel dans l'eau et dans le même temps de conserver la capacité de produire du bêta-carotène, vitamines (А, В, С, Е, et D) , acides aminés, des polysaccharides, des protéines, des lipides, le glycérol, les acides gras, et des minéraux. Sous certaines conditions, cette algue peut synthétiser l’hyper-bêta-carotène. La teneur en bêta-carotène peut atteindre 10% du poids sec total de cette algue, qui a la plus grande valeur par rapport aux autres bêta-carotène producteurs. Les scientifiques pensent que ce sont ces conditions extrêmes qui rendent Dunaliella l’une des plus riches sources de micro bêta-carotène. Les niveaux de bêta-carotène dans Dunaliella, sont par exemple 100 fois plus élevé que dans les carottes. En outre, elle a le ratio idéal de lutéine et de bêta-carotène (1:15), ce qui est essentiel pour le maintien de la fonction oculaire normale.

Phycotene contient des micro-particules dans leur forme organique, ce qui facilite grandement leur assimilation dans le tractus gastro-intestinal et c'est pourquoi ce produit est recommandé pour la prophylaxie de microéléments et en particulier des conditions causées par une carence en fer. Phycotene augmente l'assimilation des vitamines et des substances inorganiques dans les aliments et améliore la fonction immunitaire. Il contribue à lier et éliminer les pesticides et les toxines du corps. Phycotene possède des propriétés antimutagènes et ralentit le processus de vieillissement.

Phycotene est recommandé pour la prophylaxie de:
• Les dysfonctionnements métaboliques;
• Trouble de la vision;
• L'anémie;
• hypovitaminose;
• l'immunité dépressive;
• Problèmes causés par une intoxication.


Phyto-Cee est un produit naturel bien équilibré, source de vitamine C, de carotène, et de plantes uniques par leur teneur en acide cevitamic (Phyllanthus, canneberges, agrumes), active les forces vitales du corps, augmente la résistance aux infections, et prévient le vieillissement prématuré.

Les sources de vitamine C principaux dans le produit sont l’ascorbate de calcium et le palmitate d'ascorbyle. L'ascorbate de calcium agit de la même manière que l'acide cevitamic mais n'a aucune action irritante sur les muqueuses du tractus gastro-intestinal, ce qui est important pour les personnes en bonne santé et celles atteintes de maladies gastro-duodénales. Palmitate d'ascorbyle est une forme de lipides spécialement soluble, de la vitamine C, qui peut pénétrer dans les membranes cellulaires et les protéger contre les radicaux libres.

Phyllanthus emblica (Emblica officinalis) contient la quantité de vitamine C qui est la plus grande de toutes les plantes connues (5-10 mg / g) et est une source de SOD, ferment spécial qui produit l'action de rajeunissement. Merci à ces complexes de substances actives qui ont des effets hépatiques et antitoxiques: il nettoie le foie à partir des scories et des dépôts de graisse, de toxines et les métaux lourds ingérés, stimule la régénération des cellules du foie. Emblica officinalis augmente la viabilité, la résistance aux maladies, et réduit le vieillissement. Par teneur en substances biologiquement actives et de sels minéraux, est l'une des baies les plus utiles. Il s'agit d'une source idéale de vitamine C et un excellent revigorant à l'action bactéricide. Il augmente l'activité mentale et physique, l'élasticité et la solidité des parois de sang capillaire, et réduit la teneur en prothrombine dans le sang, ce qui signifie qu'il réglemente la thrombogénèse.

Les flavonoïdes d'agrumes intensifie l'absorption de vitamine dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. Agissant ensemble avec de la vitamine C, ils renforcent les parois capillaires sanguins, normalisent la circulation sanguine, et la coagulabilité.

La spiruline est une source de substances nutritives. Cette algue simple, d'une cellule, contient 65-75% de protéine avec tous les acides aminés principaux qui sont présents sous une forme équilibrée; elle est également riche en vitamines bêta-carotène et d'autres. La carotène participe à la croissance du corps, le développement des processus de régulation, contribue à la régénération des tissus épithélium, elle est nécessaire pour améliorer la vision, et protège le corps contre les chocs agressifs oxydants .

• Renforce le système immunitaire;
• Contribue à la production de collagène;
• Renforce les parois des vaisseaux sanguins;
• Améliore la condition de la peau;
• Protège contre les infections;
• augmente le tonus de vie.  


Parmi le grand nombre de réactions chimiques qui se déroulent dans notre corps il y a des réactions qui produisent des radicaux libres. Les radicaux libres accélèrent le processus de vieillissement et contribues à l'élaboration d'une grande variété de maladies. La formation de radicaux libres est renforcée par des facteurs environnementaux négatifs, tels que la pollution de l'air, la fumée de cigarette, des composés chimiques absorbés par le corps, etc. En outre, comme les gens vieillissent, le système antioxydant de l'organisme ne peut plus faire face de manière adéquate et produire des radicaux libres. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez stimuler la fonction de protection de votre corps en prenant des suppléments bioactifs contenant des antioxydants.

Le complexe biologiquement actif "activine", comprend un certain nombre d'antioxydants naturels qui lient les radicaux libres, ce qui ralentit le processus de vieillissement et l'augmentation des niveaux d'énergie de votre corps, améliore l'endurance, et stabilise les systèmes de soutien de la vie du corps.

L'inuline-polysaccharide est composé de fructose, qui est un sucre unique, dont la combustion cellulaire produit de grandes quantités d'énergie nécessaires à la vie humaine. En outre, il assure l'absorption des nutriments par l'activation de ses propres micro-flore.

Activine (un extrait de pépins de raisin) atteint un niveau record d'antioxydants naturels contraignants des radicaux libres et supprime les réactions d'oxydation. L’extrait de pépins de raisin agit également comme un cardio-protecteur, en renforçant les parois des vaisseaux sanguins, améliorant la circulation, et la tonicité générale du corps. Il est 15 fois plus efficace que la vitamine E, qui aide à corriger les changements liés au vieillissement. Les ingrédients actifs de l'extrait revitalise le cerveau en saturant les cellules avec de l'oxygène.

La gelée royale est un produit hautement nutritif avec une gamme très variée d'effets biologiques sur les différents aspects du métabolisme. Au Moyen Âge, il a été donné le nom gelée royale car il était extrêmement difficile à extraire et stocker et seules les personnes très riches pouvaient se permettre de l'utiliser. La gelée royale est un stimulateur biologiquement actif et un moyen de renforcer le corps dans son ensemble.

Les vitamines C et E sont des antioxydants qui participent à la synthèse des protéines et augmente le tonus musculaire, l'amélioration de la vitalité globale du corps.

Des extraits de feuilles de Ginkgo biloba, (thé vert) et les graines de chardon peuvent se vanter d'une teneur extrêmement élevée en vitamines et en flavonoïdes (antioxydants naturels), ce qui signifie qu'ils ont un effet très positif sur les vaisseaux sanguins. Les flavonoïdes renforces les parois des capillaires, actives les processus d'oxydation dans les tissus, et amplifies l'effet de l'acide ascorbique.

Activine aide à:
• Ralentir le vieillissement;
• Améliorer la tonalité du corps;
• Améliorer la fonction de l'appareil circulatoire;

• Améliorer la mémoire;
• Améliorer l'endurance et accélérer les processus de guérison.


PowerMin est un produit naturel, agréable au goût préparé à partir de poudre de corail mélangée avec des vitamines С, D, et Y. Le nom de ce produit parle de lui-même: PowerMin "le pouvoir des minéraux". Les sels minéraux sont une composante nécessaire à la vie saine de toute personne. En régulant l'équilibre minéral dans le corps, il active la fonction de nombreux organes et rétabli les niveaux de pH alcalin qui empêchent le développement de maladies causées par l'oxydation des cellules.

Vitamines С, Е, et D sont les vitamines qui sont idéalement adaptés pour être utilisés avec des minéraux de poudre de corail pour augmenter leur effet sur le corps. Ces vitamines améliorent sensiblement l'assimilation du calcium et du phosphore, leur transport vers les différents organes, l'amélioration de l'activité musculaire et présentent des propriétés antioxydantes. Il peut, par conséquent, être dit que PowerMin est une source d'énergie miracle de corail et doublé par les vitamines énergétique.

Un complexe de sels inorganiques (calcium, de magnésium, de sodium, de potassium, de phosphore, de zinc, etc.)
• Participe à la construction du squelette et la minéralisation dentaire;
• Le contrôle du métabolisme minéral et l'équilibre alcalin;
• Induit la régénération et la division cellulaire;
• Transmet les impulsions nerveuses, réduit la perméabilité des membranes cellulaires, et de l'excitabilité du système nerveux;
• Stimule l'activité du muscle cardiaque;
• Participe au métabolisme des acides nucléiques, protéines, graisses et hydrates de carbone.

La vitamine С participe à de nombreuses réactions d'oxydoréduction et la production de collagène, il normalise le processus hématopoïétique, la perméabilité vasculaire, et améliore l’activité anti-inflammatoire.

La vitamine Е réduit la coagulation du sang, empêche l'accumulation de caillots dans les vaisseaux sanguins et l'oxydation des lipides et des protéines, la régénération induit, et protège les cellules contre les dommages par les radicaux libres.

La vitamine D contrôle le phosphore-calcium dans le métabolisme, augmente l'absorption du calcium par le tube digestif, et son accumulation dans les os, il est essentiel pour la maturation du cartilage, stimule la synthèse des protéines, et la production d'ATP dans le tissu musculaire.

PowerMin est un vivifiant  idéal et tonique en réparation:
• Des maladies cardio-vasculaires;
• Des dysfonctionnements métaboliques;
• Et de l'immunité dépressive;
• Les fractures des os, l'ostéoporose et l'arthrite;
• GIT troubles;
• Les activités physiques ardues.

Coral Licorice Root

Coral Licorice – A combination of Licorice and Ginger extracts provide for rehabilitation and health support acting as an anti-inflammatory and immunity normalization complex and expectorant. 
Licorice is a valuable source of many helpful nutrients: saponins, glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetinic acids, flavonoids, mannitol, mucous substances, gums, and ascorbic acid. For these properties it is understandable that it is held in high regard, just as ginseng is in Chinese medicine. 
Glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetinic acids possess hormone-like actions which produces antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and expectorative effects. These acids affect different types of DNA and RNA viruses; stop their growth in the early stages by blocking penetration of the virus inside the cell along with its ability to synthesize new viral particles. They induce formation of interferon by rising protective properties of the mucous membranes. Glycyrrhizic acid plays a particular role: it is able to halt the initial stage of inflammatory processes thanks to the stimulating influence on the adrenal glands. Its great advantage is that licorice unlike corticosteroids does not depress the adrenal glands’ functions, but stimulates the production of their own hormones. 
Saponins irritate mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tracts (trachea, bronchi) and also other organs, intensifies secretion of their glands.  That is why licorice is included in the composition of expectorants and remedies for coating and soothing coughs. Flavonoids produce spasmolitic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory action, decrease capillary fragility, and assist in producing protective film on the mucous membrane of the digestive system and improving damaged tissue regeneration. 
Polysaccharides take part in immune processes, produce antibiotic and antiviral effects. 
Licorice root extract in addition to other healthy properties is a natural sugar substitute. It is added as a sweetener in medicines and food supplements, tonic and kava drinks, beer, and candies. 
Ginger is an ancient spice and remedy. Its spicy composition was appreciated by the people of India, Japan, and Australia thanks to its anti-inflammatory, toning and stress-protective effects. 
Ginger favorably influences the digestive system, coping with any kinds of dyspepsia (sense of heaviness in the stomach, overflow, feeling stuffed, flatulence, sense of swelling in the epigastria area, and nausea). Regular use of ginger stimulates digestion and improves gastric indigestion. 
Ginger blocks prostaglandins action, which causes capillary and joint inflammation and growth of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract; it also decreases cholesterol blood level. 
Research conducted by scientists at the University of Georgia (USA) has shown that ginger helps with muscle pain. After studying volunteers they found that frequent usage of ginger decreases pain level by 25%. 
Also ginger is effective against flu, stagnations in lungs, sinusitis, cough, and throat ache. It facilitates phlegm softening and warms the body. 
It is very useful for immune system strengthening. Licorice root contains vital vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and amino-acids producing strong stimulating and toning effects and mobilizing inner forces of the body. 
Coral licorice produces favorable effect on different ailments: 
-    respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia etc) 
-    gastrointestinal tract diseases (stomach and duodenum mucous erosion, chronic diseases of liver, and biliaries) 
-    Addison's disease (bronzed disease) 
-    Adrenocorticotropic hypofunction, acute and chronic pyelonephritis 

True Lecithin

True Lecithin is a “smart” dietary supplement essential for everybody, who would like to make the functioning of their brain more productive. Moreover, this product can also help restore liver structure and serves as a prophylactic remedy for sclerosis. The collective term “lecithin” comprises a complex of the most important natural substances that include a group of essential phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and carotenoids. Each of the lecithin substances plays its own special role in maintaining the vital functions in the body. 

For the human body, lecithin is an equally important building material and nutrient as are proteins. Lecithin comprises 30% of brain matter, thousands kilometers of nerve fibers, protective brain coats, and neurons. The primary “biochemical workshop” of our body, the liver, is made of 65% phospholipids of the lecithin complex. The tireless working of the heart is proportional to the lecithin concentration in the cardiac muscle. 

Vitamin-like compounds choline (vitamin В4) and inositol (vitamin В8) are two of the key constituents of essential phospholipids. Cholin induces synthesis of acetylcholine, the most important neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses in the CNS, activates mental activity and improves memory. Inositol is needed for normal development and functioning of the spinal cord cells; its optimal levels reduce nervousness and irritability. 

Lecithin nourishes the nervous system and lowers the concentration of fatty acids in the blood thereby reducing the number of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls, which are one of the key factors causing a buildup of plaque and cardiovascular diseases. Lecithin helps maintain constant levels of carnitine, one of the essential nutrients for cardiac muscle. 

Lecithin improves liver function, helps transport fat from liver cells to optimize lipid metabolism and prevents fatty liver. It accelerates regeneration of liver cells after toxic exposure to drugs, alcohol and nicotine, producing a hepatoprotective effect. 

The use of True Lecithin can be useful for people suffering from:
• Nervousness and neurasthenia;
• Distracted attention and memory lapses;
• Alcoholic neuropathy;
• Liver dysfunction;
• Cardiovascular diseases;
• Mental or physical exertion.

Combination Five

A fast-paced, often stressful, nature of our modern life can destroy a fragile balance between excitatory and inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, which leads to insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and easy fatigability. Only very few of us have a high tolerance to stress, most people need additional remedies to help correct psychological background and achieve peace of mind and high vitality. Combination Five is one such remedy. 

Combination Five is a natural product composed of soothing and tonic medicinal plants. This composition acts in a gentle manner to help relieve emotional tension, anxiety, insomnia, and improves the overall well-being of people experiencing constant psychological tension manager`s syndrome it can also alleviate migraines and headaches associated with emotional stress. 

Valeriana officinalis – The roots of Valeriana contain over 100 bioactive substances, which give this plant the ability to exert a range of effects on the human body: it can reduce CNS excitability, prolong the action of the sleeping medications, and increase the functional motility of the cortical processes. Valeriana is a good example of achieving the greatest effect by cumulative action of plant ingredients, which are significantly less potent when taken separately. 

Hop cones contain lupulin that has neurotropic activity, humulene, valeric acid, and essential oils. Hop is used as a soothing remedy in vegetative-vascular dystonia and insomnia. 

Passiflora (Passion Flower) is an efficient soothing remedy in neurasthenic conditions and vegetative disorders, which are accompanied by increased irritability; it attenuates inhibitory responses and alleviates sleep problems, palpitations, and sweatiness. Therapeutic effects were also observed during climacteric and pre-climacteric periods. 

Baical skullcap can control blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, lower arterial pressure and stimulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. 

Catnip (lemon catnip) – The essential oils of the catnip contain citral, a substance with a pleasant lemon fragrance. This plant has a magical ability to refresh and invigorate the body; it can improve the quality of life after nervous exhaustion and eliminate dizziness. 

Betony can remedy dizziness, nervous exhaustion, headaches, and gastroenteric disorders. 

Wild chamomile has anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effects; it relaxes smooth musculature of internal organs and exhibits cardioactive activity. 

Combination Five has soothing and spasmolytic activity in:
• Insomnia;
• Depression;
• Loss of strength, irritability, and anxiety;
• Headaches and migraines.

Cat’s Claw

Cat’s claw is the name of the Peruvian liana. It has been given this name because its stem is dotted with small spines which it uses to cling to trunks of trees and to climb upward along them. For centuries it has been used by Native Americans to improve immunity. Teas and brews from the bark of the liana can relieve gastric spasms, improve the tone of the body, and reinvigorate a person. 

Cat’s Claw is a product that contains the bark of its namesake, one of the most powerful immunity boosting plants in the world. It works at the level of cellular immunity. The effect is achieved by alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, and a number of other active ingredients. 

The alkaloids activate T-lymphocytes, especially T-killer cells, which are the fundamental component of antiviral immunity. They also activate macrophages and normalize the level of immunoglobulin. In addition, alkaloids help normalize blood pressure and prevent blood clots. Firstly in the brain and heart, thereby preventing the development of a buildup of plaque. Secondary effect is enhanced phagocytosis and increased activity of cytokines, which act as the immune system’s mediators, and which regulate the internal immunity of the body. 

Glycoside acid blocks the replication of viruses in cells, breaks down the synthesis of their DNA, and also has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects. 

Flavonoids act as antioxidants and reduce allergic reactions preventing cells from damage by free radicals, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and restoring good metabolism. 

Tannins act as astringents, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory agents and help regenerate blood cells. 

The active ingredients found in Cat’s Claw ensure the product:
• Improves immunity;
• Acts as an antioxidant;
• Reduces blood clotting;
• Reduces inflammation;
• Invigorates the body.

Ginkgo Biloba

It’s not a coincidence that Ginkgo Biloba is known as the tree that prolongs life and is regarded as a symbol of strength and longevity. It contains a number of ingredients that can help with cerebral circulation, dizziness, memory loss, cardiac arrhythmias, and ischemia. It is the only plant known to science that contains ginkgolides and bilobalides. In addition to them Ginkgo Biloba also contains flavonoid glycosides and minerals.

Hawthorn takes care of the heart. Its leaves and flowers have been found to contain a variety of flavonoids, sugar, fructose, minerals, essential oils, triterpene acids, vitamins A, C, P, all of which actively help regulate a number of physiological processes in the human body.

Ginkgo Biloba helps ensure uninterrupted supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain and heart calms you down, while improving memory and concentration when you need it most regardless of your age.

The active ingredients increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls, expand the blood vessels, and suppress inflammation by inhibiting the activation of platelets, preventing their aggregation and the formation of blood clots, while improving circulation.

Flavonoid glycosides have an antioxidant effect, preventing the oxidation of lipids and destruction of cell membranes by free radicals, increasing the elasticity and strength of blood vessel walls and reducing the permeability of capillaries. They also prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease by preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques and improving the metabolism in the brain cells.

Hawthorn has lots of flavonoids, acids, essential oils, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. The flavonoids inhibit platelets, reducing the formation of clots and improving the blood rheology. Acting as antioxidants they protect the myocardium against ischemic damage. At the same time sufficient amounts of potassium and magnesium improve circulation in the heart and keep the heart muscle in shape.

Thus, Ginkgo Biloba and Hawthorn:
• Improve circulation in the heart and the brain;
• Prevent clotting and aggregation of platelets;
• Improve concentration, reduce fatigue and stress, and improve performance;
• Protect blood vessels and the heart muscle against ischemia.

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola is a natural product based on the famous Madagascar plant whose name translates as memory herb. Gotu Kola strengthens blood vessel walls, increases their elasticity, has a positive effect on capillary blood flow, stimulates cerebral blood flow, thought processes, memory, and the cardiovascular system.

Gotu Kola optimizes the condition of the cardiovascular system, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain, which improves memory, concentration, and the function of the visual analyzer. The active ingredients of the herb improve mental capacity, speed up thought processes, improve recall, reduce headaches, calm the central nervous system in tense situations, alleviate nervousness, and sleep disorders. They also reduce fatigue. Furthermore, Gotu Kola positively impacts on some blood components, and stabilizes the hemoglobin level and blood sugar.

Triterpenoid saponins found in the herb participate in the formation of collagen and improve the elasticity of blood vessel walls helping the body to heal better and creating an additional detoxication effect by stimulating the function of the cytochromes to ensure the purging of toxins and medications from the body.

Flavonoids improve venal blood flow and also have a cardio-tonic and anti-arrhythmia effect. When the cardiovascular system is under increased stress (stress, physical or mental strain), they improve its stability and enhance blood flow by expanding the coronary arteries that bring more oxygen rich blood to the heart muscle without increasing blood pressure or changing the excitability of the myocardium. They also positively affect the lymph and venal system, which not only restores normal blood flow, but also helps regenerate the lymph nodes. Positive side effects include normalized lymph flow, improved lymph drainage, and reduced permeability of capillaries.

Glycosides regulate the heart muscle and are effective as treatment for heart failure caused by hypertension (too much strain on the myocardium), as well as in cardio sclerosis and damage to the heart valves.

Gotu Kola can help people suffering from:
• A buildup of plaque;
• Memory impairment;
• Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
• Varicose veins;
• Chronic fatigue, nervousness, and depression.

Vitamin E

Taking Vitamin E helps a whole host of systems in your body - cardiovascular, reproductive, immune – and prevents the development of a number of serious conditions caused by Vitamin E deficiency.

As an antioxidant Vitamin E prevents cells from getting damaged, slows down the oxidation of lipids and fats, and the formation of free radicals, and protects other fat soluble vitamins from being destroyed by oxygen ensuring that they get absorbed by the body.

An important role played by this vitamin is the prevention of oversaturation of the tissues with oxygen, which helps cells breathe and boosts their endurance. For this reason athletes and people leading an active life need to take Vitamin E.

Vitamin E prevents the destruction of red blood cells, the rise in permeability and fragility of capillaries, reduces blood clotting, and prevents the development of vascular thrombosis. It also participates in the synthesis of proteins, division of cells, development of the placenta, formation of gonadotropin, and sex hormones. Thus, it essentially takes part in the functioning of all the most important internal secretion glands, preventing the development of a buildup of plaque, degenerative changes in the cardiac muscle and the skeletal muscles, improving the nutrition, and the contracting capability of the myocardium.

Vitamin E plays an important role in the metabolism of selenium, which, as an antioxidant, also protects cellular membranes against the destructive effect of free radicals.

In addition to that Vitamin E is also known as the vitamin of youth because it slows down the ageing process, prevents the formation of age related pigmentation, and is necessary for the formation of collagen and elastic fibers in the intercellular substance, restoring epidermis, and regulating the moisture balance of the skin, thus protecting it against drying out.

Vitamin E can help:
• Prevent a buildup of plaque and cardiovascular diseases;
• Maintain the function of sex glands;
• Boost the immune system;
• Prevent degenerative changes in the sockets and ligaments;
• Improve the condition of the skin.

Chewable Calcium with Vitamins C&D

Chewing pleasant mint-tasting calcium tablets supply the body with one of the most important minerals – calcium. As well as vitamins C and D, that are necessary for the proper absorption of calcium. They are very effective in preventing osteoporosis and osteopenic syndrome.

Calcium is an indispensible mineral. In combination with elements necessary for its absorption it participates in the growth of bone and teeth. If calcium is supplied to the body in sufficient quantities and you supplement this with regular exercise, your body starts to stockpile calcium in the bones. This significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by excessive brittleness of the bones, and increased incidence of fractures and bad posture.

In recent years osteoporosis has been afflicting increasing numbers of younger people. This has been caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diets, stress, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Calcium is especially needed by menopausal women because calcium absorption decreases as the level of estrogens in the body subsides. Menopausal women lose about one kilogram of bone tissue every year. Vitamin D significantly enhances calcium absorption, helping in the mineralization of the bone tissue and teeth. Low levels of Vitamin D may lead to poor absorption of calcium if too much of it is taken.

Vitamin C plays an important part in the synthesis and maturation of collagen, the most important bone tissue protein, which makes bones elastic and ensures resistance to deformation. Vitamin C is also needed for the normal production of forms of Vitamin D. Vitamin C deficiency may lead to a situation where even high doses of Vitamin D prove ineffective, which in turn leads to reduced levels of calcium in the body.

Considering osteoporosis the following facts should be noted:
After a person turns 30, the supply of calcium in their bones begins to decrease.
Every other woman and every eighth man are at risk of osteoporosis.
Today mild forms of osteoporosis are increasingly being diagnosed in 16 year-old girls with abnormally low body weight.
Osteoporosis is one of the few conditions for which preventive measures are very well known and quite effective.


Vitamins and minerals are the ABC’s of good health and a foundation of good metabolism. For this reason it is imperative that you get them in time and in sufficient quantities. However, the diet of most modern kids, poor environment, and too little time spent in the open air – all result in vitamin deficiency.

Cherry and tropical fruit flavored “delicious vitamins for kids” will provide your children with all the vitamins and minerals they need at their age and help their bodies to grow. They’re always needed to ensure proper mental and physical development of your children.

Vitamins A and D help kids grow, improve their eyesight, and boost their immunity against a range of infections, regulate the phosphorous-calcium metabolism, improve the absorption of calcium and its transport to various organs, and prevent rickets.

Vitamin B has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, improves endurance and memory.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that also regulates the clotting properties of the blood and helps tissues heal better. Vitamin E also maintains the nervous system and muscles in good condition, and helps digest fat soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A.

Calcium is important for the proper growth of bones and teeth; it strengthens the muscles and cartilages, and ensures normal blood clotting. Calcium deficiency contributes to the development of osteoporosis and rickets. Potassium strengthens the myocardium, regulates muscle contraction, the transmission of nerve impulses, and maintains a water-salt balance.

Iron plays an important part in tissue respiration, saturating cells with oxygen, increasing vitality and immune protection. Iron also prevents the development of anemia.

Iodine regulates the thyroid and pituitary glands. Iodine deficiency in kids can lead to impaired mental development.

Yummies’ delicious vitamins for kids must be given to children daily in order to:
• Improve their physical and mental state;
• Supplement therapeutic diets;
• Replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals following dehydration (after vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive perspiration);
• Help treat various chronic conditions.

Digestion Formula

The energy and building materials required to maintain vital functions are obtained from food. To reach the cells, however, nutrients should first be broken down by digestive enzymes. If the balance of gut microflora becomes disturbed and enzymatic activity is insufficient, the body cannot receive a sufficient amount of nutrients essential for normal functioning of all organs and systems. In these cases, the normal digestion can be restored and maintained using an integrated approach, which combines enzymes, probiotics, and vitamin-mineral products. 

Digestion formula is the #1 aid for such cases; it is a well-balanced complex of enzymes and probiotic cultures that help normalize GIT function and eliminate symptoms of dyspepsia. This natural product is composed of beneficial ingredients required to improve digestion. 

Amylase starts the process of carbohydrate digestion in the mouth cavity, where starch is converted into glucose. 

Protease breaks down large protein molecules into peptides and amino acids and exhibits anti-inflammatory activity. 

Papain and bromelain are proteolytic enzymes extracted from tropical fruits (papaya and pineapple). Papain and bromelain can hydrolyse proteins breaking them down into peptides and amino acids. Lipase is an enzyme produced by the pancreas to break down fats. The active form of lipase is released into duodenum, where it breaks down food fats into glycerol and higher fatty acids. 

Lactase is an enzyme of plant origin, breaking down milk sugar into glucose and galactose. 

Phytase breaks down phytic acid, which is present in grains, seeds, rhizomes and other vegetable food. This leads to the release of phosphorus, which is then easily absorbed in the digestive tract. 

Probiotic cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus are used to improve digestion and absorption in the intestine. Mechnikov was talking about health benefits of lactobacilli (lactobacteria and streptococci) as early as the beginning of the last century. He wrote that consumption of live bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobaccillus bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus, is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and for overall health and longevity. 

Digestion formula normalizes GIT function by:
• Eliminating the deficiency of digestive enzymes;
• Suppressing the growth of pathogenic microbodies;
• Positively affecting the balance of gut microflora;
• Increasing the breakdown and assimilation of nutrients.


Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) belongs to the group of polyunsaturated omega-3 acids, which are essential nutrients as they are not produced by the body despite the fact that the humans need them. DHA accumulates primarily in the brain, the retina and the reproductive system. It’s a dominant polyunsaturated fat acid in human breast milk and is vitally important for the development of the brain, eyes, and the nervous system of the fetus. That is why breastfed children usually tend to have better eyesight than children nursed on infant formula. DHA also improves mental development and visual memory. As the body ages a shortage of DHA develops, which means that it must be introduced into the body with bioactive supplements, one of which is IQ. 

IQ was custom-designed to improve the capabilities of the central nervous system and to increase the brain’s efficiency. Until recently, the main source of DHA has been the fish oil of certain species of fish such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, as well as sea mollusks. What sets IQ apart is that the DHA found in this product is taken from microalgae oils. 

DHA provides the basic building blocks for the brain, which make up 30% of the brain cells. DHA reduces the level of protein in the body, preventing the development of Alzheimer’s disease. People with a high content of DHA in their blood are less likely to develop dementia. Omega-3 fatty acids slow down the clumping of platelets, improve blood flow, promote the dissolution of blood clots, and prevent the development of rheumatic conditions. Vitamins A and E magnify the effects of DHA by providing antioxidant protection. 

DHA helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus if you take DHA regularly with your food, your risk of developing a build-up of plaque as well as obliterating vascular conditions of the lower extremities will be significantly lower. IQ has an anti-sclerosis and reduction of lipid concentrations effect, and noticeably improves the efficiency of the nervous system. 

IQ can be recommended as a means to:
• Prevent a buildup of plaque and cardiovascular conditions;
• Improve mental and physical response;
• Improve emotional stability;
• Improve memory and eyesight.

FirstFood Colostrum

Colostrum is a natural source of all essential components required to build the immune resistance, and to maintain and boost the function of a depressed immune system. Colostrum production is a more complex process than production of ordinary milk; the constituents of colostrum are not found in equally high concentrations in any other natural food. 

Colostrum is the first food of mammals including humans that protects the newborn during the first days of life, when the child is most vulnerable. Colostrum provides a medium that carries antibodies, the hereditary factors of immunity, from a mother to her child. This supplement is produced from cow’s milk, collected in the first 36 hours after calving and processed using a special method that preserves the active ingredients of colostrum. Cow colostrum has been proven to be a safe and biologically compatible food even for those on a dairy-free diet, because it contains the minimum concentrations of lactose and milk. 

Immunoglobulins are wide-spectrum antibodies, protecting the body from bacteria, microbodies, fungi, viruses, and allergens. Colostrum contains all 5 classes of immunoglobulins: IgA (protects mucous membranes), IgD (induces production of antibodies), IgE (neutralizes allergic reactions), IgG (neutralizes viruses), and IgM (facilitates destruction of viruses and bacteria). 

Interferone, lactoferrin, and interleukin are the major proteins of the immune system; these proteins stimulate immunoglobulin production and have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial activity. 

Vitamins and minerals – Colostrum is a source of vitamins A, C, E, B2, B6, and B12, and minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc). Colostrum is 5-6 times richer in vitamin A and 6-7 times richer in vitamin E, than ordinary milk. 

Glycoproteins protect growth factors from being digested by the stomach juices, and lactoalbumins are a source of vitally important essential amino acids, which are not produced by the body. 

Colostrum is rich in enzymes: peroxidase, reductase, lipase, phosphatase, lactase, and peptidase, and it also contains lysozyme, a naturally occurring antibiotic suppressing the activity of pathogenic bacteria. 

The growth factors help increase lean muscle tissue and restore DNA and RNA, promote cell divisions in the connective tissue, and help build bone and cartilage. Many athletes drink colostrum on a regular basis, because it not only stimulates muscle growth, but also activates rejuvenation processes in the body and improves overall health. 

Biological effects of colostrum:
• Marked immunoprotection;
• Immunomodulation;
• Protection and restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
• Pegenerative.

Spirulina Capsules

Spirulina is actively used as a food in over 70 countries. According to the WHO, this alga is one of the major therapeutic dietary components in the 21st century. It has excellent nutritive properties, produces beneficial therapeutic effects, compensates vitamin and mineral deficiency, participates in normalizing blood cholesterol, controls arterial pressure, stabilizes sugar levels, normalizes protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, and eliminates radionuclides from the body. Spirulina Capsules was developed to make these unique qualities available to everybody. 

A mixture of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in Spirulina plays an important role in regulation of intracellular processes, has a pronounced antisclerotic effect, marked antiplatelet action, and as a result exhibits anti-ischemic activity and stimulates heart function. 

Spirulina is also indicated for people who experience problems with digestion, especially for the elderly, who are prone to constipation. It increases considerably the populations of lactobacteria and bifidobacteria in the gut. The consumption of Spirulina by elderly people at a daily dose of 2 g can substantially reduce the levels of total blood cholesterol and decrease renal toxicity caused by drugs and heavy metals. 

People who have lost their appetite due to surgery or other disorders can use Spirulina as a concentrated source of protein and vitamins. For people with ulcerative colitis, indigestion, or intolerance to certain products, Spirulina can rapidly provide all necessary nutrients in their concentrated form, without overloading the gastrointestinal tract. 

Spirulina contains a great wealth of iodine, proteins, vitamins and participates in correcting metabolic disorders associated with thyroid dysfunctions and metabolic disorders caused by vitamin, mineral or protein deficiency. 

Spirulina Capsules is efficient in prophylaxis of:
• Protein, vitamin and mineral deficiency;
• Immunodeficiency;
• Hypothyroidism;
• A buildup of plaque and associated diseases;
• Constipation and microbial imbalances.

Spirulina While Food Bar with Agave

Spirulina Green Bar and Spirulina Cocoa Bar, the exceptionally healthful energy bars, are a dream come true for people, who lead an active lifestyle, for those who are watching their weight, and for atonic people weakened by various adverse factors. 

These energy bars are a source of plant protein and fiber, PUSFAs, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Each bar contains only 160 calories. The bars are produced in two pleasant flavors (raisins with cinnamon and cocoa) and are equally suitable for adults and children. 

Oat is a cereal with the highest fat content (up to 6–9%). It also has many proteins (10–18%) containing essential amino acids, such as tryptophan, lysine, and methionine. It is rich in macro- and microelements; it has more iron (4.2 mg in 100 g of oat) than other cereals and lots of sulfur, silica, phosphorus, and potassium. Oat contains high levels of vitamins: В1, В2, and В6, carotene, vitamin K, vitamin E, nicotinic and pantothenic acid. This is a healthy food for all ages and dietary product Number One for people with GIT disorders. 

Cashew, highly esteemed by gourmets, is acknowledged as one of the most valuable nuts. Nature endowed it with many useful properties, exquisite taste, and rich chemical composition: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins А, В1, and В2, and minerals. Cashew is lower in calories than other nuts; it has an invigorating effect and is used in anemia, dystrophy, and metabolic dysfunctions. 

Agave is a “miracle tree” worshipped by Native Americans. According to an ancient Indian legend, agave juice is a gift from the gods. It improves hematopoietic processes and heart function, stimulates gut peristalsis, and exhibits tonic activity. 

A unique alga Spirulina can at the same time nourish and “cleanse” the body, because it consists of about 2,000 valuable substances: vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, including essential PUSFAs and enzymes. Nutrient content of 1 g of Spirulina is comparable to 1 kg of vegetables! 

Rice syrup (prepared from grains of brown rice) is a source of the eight most important amino acids. Unlike other cereals, it does not contain gluten, the plant protein causing allergic reactions. 

Raisins strengthen cardiac muscle and calm the nerves, which is so very important in our stressful times. It is recommended to use raisins in anemia and general weakness. They preserve almost all useful properties of fresh grapes: 70–80% of vitamins and 100% of microelements. Raisins are 8 times richer in natural sugars (glucose and fructose) than grapes, and they also contain a colossal amount of potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamins В1 and РР. 

Spirulina Green Bar and Spirulina Cocoa Bar are both a: 
• Source of energy and wellness;
• Preventive remedy for cardiovascular diseases;
• Healthy dietary products.

Spirulina While Food Bar with Cocoa

Spirulina Green Bar and Spirulina Cocoa Bar, the exceptionally healthful energy bars, are a dream come true for people, who lead an active lifestyle, for those who are watching their weight, and for atonic people weakened by various adverse factors. 

These energy bars are a source of plant protein and fiber, PUSFAs, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Each bar contains only 160 calories. The bars are produced in two pleasant flavors (raisins with cinnamon and cocoa) and are equally suitable for adults and children. 

Oat is a cereal with the highest fat content (up to 6–9%). It also has many proteins (10–18%) containing essential amino acids, such as tryptophan, lysine, and methionine. It is rich in macro- and microelements; it has more iron (4.2 mg in 100 g of oat) than other cereals and lots of sulfur, silica, phosphorus, and potassium. Oat contains high levels of vitamins: В1, В2, and В6, carotene, vitamin K, vitamin E, nicotinic and pantothenic acid. This is a healthy food for all ages and dietary product Number One for people with GIT disorders. 

Cashew, highly esteemed by gourmets, is acknowledged as one of the most valuable nuts. Nature endowed it with many useful properties, exquisite taste, and rich chemical composition: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins А, В1, and В2, and minerals. Cashew is lower in calories than other nuts; it has an invigorating effect and is used in anemia, dystrophy, and metabolic dysfunctions. 

Agave is a “miracle tree” worshipped by Native Americans. According to an ancient Indian legend, agave juice is a gift from the gods. It improves hematopoietic processes and heart function, stimulates gut peristalsis, and exhibits tonic activity. 

A unique alga Spirulina can at the same time nourish and “cleanse” the body, because it consists of about 2,000 valuable substances: vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, including essential PUSFAs and enzymes. Nutrient content of 1 g of Spirulina is comparable to 1 kg of vegetables! 

Rice syrup (prepared from grains of brown rice) is a source of the eight most important amino acids. Unlike other cereals, it does not contain gluten, the plant protein causing allergic reactions. 

Raisins strengthen cardiac muscle and calm the nerves, which is so very important in our stressful times. It is recommended to use raisins in anemia and general weakness. They preserve almost all useful properties of fresh grapes: 70–80% of vitamins and 100% of microelements. Raisins are 8 times richer in natural sugars (glucose and fructose) than grapes, and they also contain a colossal amount of potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamins В1 and РР. 

Spirulina Green Bar and Spirulina Cocoa Bar are both a: 
• Source of energy and wellness; 
• Preventive remedy for cardiovascular diseases; 
• Healthy dietary products. 

Spirulina Tablets

Spirulina is at the same time both a bacterium and the plant capable of photosynthesis. Its blue-green pigments convert carbon dioxide and water into complex organic compounds using the energy of sunlight. This synthetic process makes Spirulina an eco-friendly, simple and at the same time exceptionally high-quality food product containing a concentrated complex of useful substances, which are quite rare in vegetable food. 

Spirulina Tablets is an excellent product for those who are seeking to improve their health, control their weight, cleanse the body and replenish life energy. 

The membranes of Spirulina are composed of “soft” mucopolysaccharides and therefore the human body can easily digest and assimilate biologically complete protein of this microalga (over 60%) containing all amino acids necessary for the human body including all 8 essential (irreplaceable) amino acids. Compared to products of animal origin which contain high levels of fats, Spirulina has only 5–6% fat composed primarily of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very valuable for our body. Among these are linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids (the only other place where gamma-linolenic acid is found in nature is breast milk). 

Furthermore, Spirulina is also the richest of the known sources of Vitamins А, В12, Е, and F. Ten grams of Spirulina contains three (!) daily doses of Vitamin В12. The deficiency of cyanocobalamin (Vitamin В12) is observed in people over fifty, and also in vegetarians, pregnant women, heavy smokers, and people with GIT disorders. The deficiency of this vitamin is manifested by weakness, increased fatigability, degraded performance, memory lapses, and menstrual problems. 

Spirulina is also a source of many inorganic substances and microelements. It should also be noted that it contains high concentrations of immunity-stimulating antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, selenium, and germanium. Spirulina has 5 times more iron than brewing yeast or dill. 

The consumption of Spirulina for one month leads to a substantial increase in life energy, normalizes arterial pressure, helps improve metabolic processes, increases a non-specific body resistance, and has antitoxic and antianemic activity. 

Spirulina Tablets is an efficient and prophylactic remedy for people with:
• Vitamin and mineral deficiency;
• Anemia;
• Overweight;
• GIT disorders;
• A buildup of plaque and associated diseases.


CoralProbiotic is a symbiotic that combines probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum) and prebiotics (inulin) in a completely unique way that achieves a complete recovery of the intestinal micro flora. Probiotics increase the efficacy of synbiotics manifold. The recommended daily dose contains 5 billion lactobacillus and bifidobacteria and 50 mg of inulin. CoralProbiotic is made from high quality raw materials using cutting edge technologies and meets the requirements of GMP and the industry quality standards. To preserve the activity of the strains of freeze-dried prebiotic cultures, the product is packed in a flow of nitrogen in special organic capsules which allow it to preserve all of its biological properties for an extended period of time. 

FOS inulin obtained from chicory roots is the most famous and most researched prebiotic. In addition to being a source of fibers needed by the gastrointestinal tract, inulin also stimulates the growth and activity of a number of good bacteria found in the large intestine as well as those that are taken in together with the supplement. It supports all kinds of metabolism in the body (especially carbohydrate and lipid). Inulin is a good sorbent that magnifies the detoxification function of the micro flora. It improves the function of the intestines and purges the body of toxins, making the stool soft as a side effect. 

Probiotics normalize digestion, accelerate the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates, and produce their own enzymes to improve the digestion of food. They also participate in the synthesis of many vitamins (K, D, and B) and accelerate the absorption of calcium. Another effect is the suppression of pathogen flora, prevention of damage to the micro flora as a result of using antibiotics, and increased immunity. 

CoralProbiotic protects your intestine micro flora and can help if you have:
• Dysbacteriosis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
• Intoxication;
• Problems with metabolism and digestion;
• Damage to the micro flora following a course of antibiotics;
• Flatulence and constipation.

CoralProbiotic Junior

CoralProbiotic Junior shines when it comes to improving the function of the intestine micro flora. It is a symbiotic that combines probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum) and prebiotics (inulin) in a completely unique way that achieves a complete recovery of the intestinal micro flora. The ratio of lacto and bifido bacteria specifically targets children while inulin significantly improves the effect of probiotics and helps the body grow its own micro flora. The product is made from high quality raw materials using cutting edge technologies and meets the requirements of GMP and the industry quality standards. 

FOS inulin obtained from chicory roots is the most famous and most researched prebiotic. In addition to being a source of fibers needed by the gastrointestinal tract, inulin also stimulates the growth and activity of a number of good bacteria found in the large intestine as well as those that are taken in together with the supplement. It supports all kinds of metabolism in the body (especially carbohydrate and lipid). Inulin is a good sorbent that magnifies the detoxification function of the micro flora. It improves the function of the intestines and purges the body of toxins, making the stool soft as a side effect. 

Lactis bifidobacteria reduce the risk of acute intestinal infections and are very good supplements for the treatment of bacterial deficiencies, irritated intestine syndrome, and food poisoning. Acting together with lactic bacteria they normalize digestion, accelerate the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, restore the intestine flora and synthesize vitamins. Another effect is the suppression of pathogenic micro flora and the boosting of the child’s immune system, which increases resistance to various bacterial infections, reduces flatulence, and bloating in the intestines. 

CoralProbiotic Junior protects micro flora and can help if your child has:
• Dysbacteriosis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
• Food poisoning;
• Metabolic disorders;
• Allergies;
• Flatulence and constipation.

Super Blueberry Bar

New energy bars produced by Coral Club are a source of health, vitality, energy, and good cheer! They are a worthy addition to our line of healthy dietary products, one of the most promising areas of activity in our company. 

Energy bars are tasty and have low-calorie content. They contain no sugar, preservatives, artificial colors or taste boosters and therefore they can be healthful for both children and adults, for everybody who leads an active lifestyle and cares about the health of their loved ones. The bars are composed only of plant ingredients (nuts, raisins, luscious pieces of fruit, cereals, cocoa, etc.) 

Nuts have a delicate taste and high nutritive value. They are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins А, В2, В1, and minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium). Due to the diversity of their composition, they assist in protein and fatty acid metabolism and strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. 

Raisins retain almost all beneficial properties of fresh grapes. They contain high levels of ascorbic acid (strengthening the immune system), potassium, magnesium (for people with heart problems), calcium (for spine and joints), iron, phosphorus, easily absorbable carbohydrates, and essential enzymes. 

Agave is a source of polysaccharides that improve the ability of the human body to assimilate calcium and prevent calcium from being leeched from bones. The food products enriched with agave fructans can aid in strengthening bones and increasing their growth in children. 

Dates contain many of fructose necessary to maintain life energy and normalize arterial pressure and blood sugar; it also has amino acids (building material for cells and tissues) and vitamins В1, В2, and В9, which have a healthful effect on the nervous system. 

Cocoa increases life energy and improves mood stimulating the production of endorphin, “the feel-good hormone”. It contains lots of magnesium, an important element for the work of the heart and nervous system. Cocoa helps stimulate mental and physical activity during the day and at the same time assists in quiet, undisturbed sleep at night. This effect is produced by the cocoa substance theobromine. 

Oat is one of the most valuable cereals, a healthy food for all ages. This cereal controls fat metabolism and stimulates the lowering of blood cholesterol and blood sugar. 

Coral Club energy bars:
• are a source of vital energy;
• strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems;
• are a “tasty” treat for the health of adults and children.

Choсo Peanut Bar

New energy bars produced by Coral Club are a source of health, vitality, energy, and good cheer! They are a worthy addition to our line of healthy dietary products, one of the most promising areas of activity in our company. 

Energy bars are tasty and have low-calorie content. They contain no sugar, preservatives, artificial colors or taste boosters and therefore they can be healthful for both children and adults, for everybody who leads an active lifestyle and cares about the health of their loved ones. The bars are composed only of plant ingredients (nuts, raisins, luscious pieces of fruit, cereals, cocoa, etc.) 

Nuts have a delicate taste and high nutritive value. They are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins 
АВ2, В1, and minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium). Due to the diversity of their composition, they assist in protein and fatty acid metabolism and strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. 

Raisins retain almost all beneficial properties of fresh grapes. They contain high levels of ascorbic acid (strengthening the immune system), potassium, magnesium (for people with heart problems), calcium (for spine and joints), iron, phosphorus, easily absorbable carbohydrates, and essential enzymes. 

Agave is a source of polysaccharides that improve the ability of the human body to assimilate calcium and prevent calcium from being leeched from bones. The food products enriched with agave fructans can aid in strengthening bones and increasing their growth in children. 

Dates contain many of fructose necessary to maintain life energy and normalize arterial pressure and blood sugar; it also has amino acids (building material for cells and tissues) and vitamins 
В1, В2, and В9, which have a healthful effect on the nervous system. 

Cocoa increases life energy and improves mood stimulating the production of endorphin, “the feel-good hormone”. It contains lots of magnesium, an important element for the work of the heart and nervous system. Cocoa helps stimulate mental and physical activity during the day and at the same time assists in quiet, undisturbed sleep at night. This effect is produced by the cocoa substance theobromine. 

Oat is one of the most valuable cereals, a healthy food for all ages. This cereal controls fat metabolism and stimulates the lowering of blood cholesterol and blood sugar. 

Coral Club energy bars: 
• are a source of vital energy; 
• strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems; 
• are a “tasty” treat for the health of adults and children.

Choсo Almond Bar

New energy bars produced by Coral Club are a source of health, vitality, energy, and good cheer! They are a worthy addition to our line of healthy dietary products, one of the most promising areas of activity in our company. 

Energy bars are tasty and have low-calorie content. They contain no sugar, preservatives, artificial colors or taste boosters and therefore they can be healthful for both children and adults, for everybody who leads an active lifestyle and cares about the health of their loved ones. The bars are composed only of plant ingredients (nuts, raisins, luscious pieces of fruit, cereals, cocoa, etc.) 

Nuts have a delicate taste and high nutritive value. They are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins 
АВ2, В1, and minerals (iron, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium). Due to the diversity of their composition, they assist in protein and fatty acid metabolism and strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. 

Raisins retain almost all beneficial properties of fresh grapes. They contain high levels of ascorbic acid (strengthening the immune system), potassium, magnesium (for people with heart problems), calcium (for spine and joints), iron, phosphorus, easily absorbable carbohydrates, and essential enzymes. 

Agave is a source of polysaccharides that improve the ability of the human body to assimilate calcium and prevent calcium from being leeched from bones. The food products enriched with agave fructans can aid in strengthening bones and increasing their growth in children. 

Dates contain many of fructose necessary to maintain life energy and normalize arterial pressure and blood sugar; it also has amino acids (building material for cells and tissues) and vitamins 
В1, В2, and В9, which have a healthful effect on the nervous system. 

Cocoa increases life energy and improves mood stimulating the production of endorphin, “the feel-good hormone”. It contains lots of magnesium, an important element for the work of the heart and nervous system. Cocoa helps stimulate mental and physical activity during the day and at the same time assists in quiet, undisturbed sleep at night. This effect is produced by the cocoa substance theobromine. 

Oat is one of the most valuable cereals, a healthy food for all ages. This cereal controls fat metabolism and stimulates the lowering of blood cholesterol and blood sugar. 

Coral Club energy bars: 
• are a source of vital energy; 
• strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems; 
• are a “tasty” treat for the health of adults and children.

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